Therapeutic Vibration- Galileo


What is Therapeutic Vibration?

PPT4kids incorporates vibration in physical, occupational and speech therapy at all our offices using the Galileo whole body vibration platforms and Mano dumb-bell. 

Therapeutic vibration helps to optimize neuroplasticity, promote motor learning and decrease the complications of many childhood conditions that limit movement, sensory processes and learning.  

Our therapists are trained to assess your child’s skills and needs, and to employ the correct positions and appropriate parameters to maximize each child’s therapeutic intervention.

How does Galileo work for kids?

These Class 1 medical devices provide intense neuromuscular therapy and training.  The Galileo side-alternating vibration platforms and the Mano handheld devices are used to accelerate treatment for children through the principles of high-repetition and activity-based therapy.

Galileo whole body vibration platforms are highly engineered to provide efficient, low impact but powerful vibration input using a sea-saw side-alternating movement pattern that is very similar to natural walking, but at a more rapid pace. The Mano handheld dumbbell provides a powerful stimulus that can promote hand and arm strength, decrease tactile sensitivity, improve proprioceptive awareness, and can be used as a focal stimulus to specific muscles that are weak or tight.

Therapeutic vibration with the Galileo platform and dumbbell provides thousands of automatic muscle contractions in very short periods of time, which is especially useful in children who have challenges moving easily, quickly or frequently.  For example, therapy performed on the platform at a frequency of 25 Hz (the number of times the platform tilts side to side) can elicit 4500 muscle contractions in 3 minutes in all body parts above the platform.


Objectives of vibration in therapy are to improve:

  • Bone growth and density
  • Blood supply to muscles and bones
  • Symmetry, muscle strength, and endurance
  • Joint mobility and muscle flexibility
  • Head & trunk control
  • Respiratory, circulatory and digestive function 
  • Attention span & sensory-motor integration
  • Vocal quality, length of vocalizations and volume of speech production
  • Exploration and social interaction 
  • Emerging motor and cognitive skills
  • Independence in self-help skills and activities of daily living
  • Carryover of therapy goals
  • Active child-friendly participation

Who may benefit?

  • Hypotonia (Floppy) Infant 
  • Cerebral Palsy – GMFCS Levels I-V
  • Brain Injuries 
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta 
  • Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy 
  • Dystonia
  • Ataxia
  • Brachial Plexus Injury
  • Spina Bifida/ Spinal Cord Injury

47 pediatric studies demonstrate positive outcomes using the Galileo WBV platform for above listed conditions.

For more information on the Kids | Galileo click here.

  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
  • Arthrogryposis
  • Orthopedic Conditions/Sports Injuries
  • Down Syndrome, other genetic conditions 
  • Developmental Delay/Impairments
  • Autism
  • Cystic Fibrosis


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