Neuromuscular and Functional Electrical Stimulation


Neuromuscular Electrical Simulation (NMES) devices transmit an electrical impulse to the skin over selected muscle groups by way of electrodes. It is used to facilitate muscles or movements that are weak. A switch is used to stimulate the muscle at the time it is needed for a specific task.

Studies have shown that NMES can significantly increase function and ankle range of motion during heel strike in children with neuro-motor impairments.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is increasingly used in neurological rehabilitation to improve mobility and upper limb function. FES is a means of producing functional movement in paralyzed muscles by the application of electrical impulses to the nerves of those muscles and it should be applied for 30 minutes daily during the treatment period. FES improves hand function, active wrist extension, weight bearing with the impaired upper limb, increases awareness and spontaneous use of the impaired limb and improves hand grasp and release abilities. It is used many times with young children with neuro-motor impairments and also with children with brachial plexus injuries.


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